"The Best Life for All Families Living with BOS"

Mini Meet-Up Grants

Application and Information

As a part of our initiative to support patients and families around the globe, we developed Mini Meet-Up Grants. The purpose of these grants is to enhance a sense of community and celebrate BOS patients worldwide. They are available to BOS patients and their families residing outside of the United States and must consist of a minimum of 5 patient families.

Funds must be used for Meet-Up related expenses such as admissions, travel, meals, and hotel accommodation expenses. Funds will be distributed to one person attending the Meet-Up who will be in charge of planning the event. Once received, the person will distribute money to patient families attending.

If you would like to apply for the Mini Meet-Up Grant click here to complete the form. Please email your completed form to info@bos-foundation.org no later than two months prior to the event.

Application Timeline:

  • Applicants must submit completed application 45 days prior to event

  • Funds distributed 1-2 weeks prior to event